”Techno Bangla Creation Ltd” is an Indenting, Importer and Trading house based on Utility equipment of an effluent treatment plant, the office is situated at a commercial location, New DOHS Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Managing Director of this Company Engr. Md. Asadur Rahman from Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET) are Graduate Completed & they has received several training locally and internationally in Utility equipment.

The Company’s Expertise are Experienced in Textiles Industries about Twelve (12) Years successfully for ETP Machineries and Industrial Waste Water Treatment. Especially for the Industrial sector the major associations are: SMC/BCST from USA/China, Digital Water & Vortex Flow meter, EMEC from Italy, Dosing Pump & Online Analyzer (pH , DO),Trundean from Taiwan Roots Air Blower & Air Diffuser, Nivelco From Hungry (EU), Open Channel Flow meter, Jingjin from China, Filter Press for Sludge Dry, Techange from China, Dewatering Screw Press for Sludge Dry For Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), Water Treatment Plant (WTP), These are tagged with Techno Bangla Creation Limited.
Who we are
Founded in March 2011 Techno Bangla Creation ltd. is a professional engineering company, offering Effluent treatment and water treatment related services with a team of professional and skilled workers & management offering a large portfolio of Effluent treatment and water treatment management services designed to help plant personnel and end user organizations to get the most out of their Effluent treatment system.
Empowered and technically capable people
Enabled and in fact fit individuals
Recognizable proof of Shared Goals and Values
A confided in provider, accomplice
Shared Respect
Cooperative way to deal with business
Able to challenge and enhance
Looking for suffering client connections Settlements of debates
Littlest task to world scale advancements
Thorough geographic presence
Worldwide ability conveyed locally
Receptive to client inclinations
Ideal altered arrangements
Business Development Skills
Compelling Communication
Setting Realistic Expectations with Clients
Industry leadership in environmental performance
Effective tools, software, and hardware — to accomplish its work
Delivering on our promises on or below the deadline
Innovative delivering value to our customers
Social Activities
Human societies depend on water. Water is needed for food, for energy, for human and ecosystem health, and for the industrial products society produces. Societies directly and indirectly depend on the quantity, quality, reliability, and affordability of their water supplies. When there is too much or too little water, or when it is too polluted or too expensive, society suffers. To be sustainable, to have a reasonably long half-life, water management policies must be based on sound science, be affordable, and be compatible with people’s values and beliefs

We believe every business involves with some social activities and we choose Water and Energy savings involvement business to treat waste water and save the Energy for my Country, our commitment is that to save our LAND and RIVER for future generation.